Roger Beer History
NumberBrandDate PlaceEvent
59 TBA TBA TBA Tali's Albertis Best PhD Thesis Award (Roger's student)
58 TBA TBA TBA Tali's SMIO Best PhD Thesis Award (Roger's student)
57 TBA TBA TBA Roger's Plenary at CLAIO 2024
56 El Águila Ja / 2024 Submarino Restaurant, L'Oceanogràfic, Valencia, Spain Roger's Fulbright Scholar Award
55 Nochebuena Dc / 2023 Botanero Moritas Fundidora, Monterrey Roger's NL State-Wide Science Award
54 Amstel Nv / 2023 San Nico Neto's SMIO Best BSc Thesis Award (Roger's student)
53 Shiner Ap / 2023 Austin Roger's CONACyT Grant Award
52 Shiner Oc / 2021 San Nico Roger's Plenary at CSMIO 2021
51 Nochebuena Dc / 2019 San Nico Roger's SNI-III promotion
50 Shiner Ag / 2019 San Nico Matemáticos FC 5th Title (SoccerCenter Fut7 D-2 League Title)
49 Shiner Ap / 2019 San Nico Matemáticos FC 4th Title (SoccerCenter Fut7 D-2 League Title)
48 Shiner Nv / 2018 San Nico Matemáticos FC 3rd Title (SoccerCenter Fut7 D-2 League Title)
47 Tyris Jl / 2018 Valencia, Spain Roger's Plenary at EURO Valencia 2018
46 Indio Sp / 2017 Rancho Tec Roger's 4th UANL Research Award
45 Shiner Jn / 2016 San Nico Matemáticos FC 2nd Title (Casabella Fut7 Cup)
44 Shiner Mr / 2016 San Nico Matemáticos FC 1st title (Panenka Fut7 League Title)
43 Dos Equis Lager Oc / 2014 Monterrey CLAIO Wrap-up
42 Indio Sp / 2014 San Nico Roger's 3rd UANL Research Award
41 Nochebuena Dc / 2013 San Nico FIME's UANL League Title
40 Shiner Jn / 2013 Austin Roger's sabbatical wrap-up
39 Shiner Sp / 2012 Austin Roger's Fulbright Scholar Award
38 Shiner Sp / 2012 Austin Roger's CONACyT Award
37 Shiner Nv / 2011 San Nico Dínamo's 10th Title
36 Indio Sp / 2011 Hostería Santo Domingo, DF Foundation of SMIO (Mexican Society of Operations Research)
35 Shiner Ag / 2011 Austin Roger's UANL Best Thesis Supervisor Award
34 Tecate Dc / 2010 Paisano's place, Monterrey Roger's 1st Mexican Academy of Sciences' godson
33 HB Sp / 2010 Hofbräuhaus, Munich Roger's 2nd UANL Research Award
32 Indio My / 2010 Angy's place, San Nico Roger's 1st PISIS PhD student graduated
31 Sierra Madre Ja / 2010 San Nico PISIS' CONACYT-PNPC Certification for Doctoral Program
30 Indio Sp / 2009 San Nico Roger's UANL Best Thesis Supervisor Award
29 Stuttgarter Hofbräu Oc / 2007 Stuttgart Roger's CONACyT Award
28 Estrella Damm Jl / 2006 Barcelona Roger's sabbatical wrap-up
27 Tucher Jn / 2006 Nurnberg PISIS' CONACYT-PNP Certification for Masters Program
26 HB Ap / 2006 Hofbräuhaus, Munich Roger's AMC Fellowship
25 Estrella Damm Mr / 2006 Barcelona Roger's SNI-II promotion
24 Heineken Ag / 2005 Barcelona Roger's MEC Visiting Scholar Award
23 Indio Fb / 2005 San Nico Dínamo's 9th Title
22 Shiner Ag / 2004 Austin Roger's AMC-FUMEC Award
21 Indio Dc / 2003 Monterrey Roger's 1st PhD student graduated
20 Mythos Jl / 2003 Corfu (Greece) Dínamo's 8th Title (Olympic Gold)
19 Indio My / 2003 San Nico Dínamo's 7th Title
18 Indio Sp / 2002 San Pedro PISIS' CONACYT-PIFOP recognition
17 Sol Oc / 2001 San Nico Dínamo's 6th Title
16 Noche Buena Dc / 2000 Monterrey Roger's 1st UANL Research Award
15 Indio Nv / 2000 San Nico Roger's CONACyT Young Investigator Award
14 Heineken Jl / 1999 Houston Roger's Postdoc wrap-up
13 Shiner Jn / 1997 Austin Roger's PhD degree
12 Shiner Ap / 1997 Austin Dínamo's Texas Cup Title
11 Shiner Nv / 1996 Austin Dolores' Cup Title
10 Shiner Dc / 1992 Austin Roger's MSc degree
9 Indio Ag / 1992 San Nico Ofe & Roger's wedding
8 Indio My / 1991 San Nico Dínamo's 5th Title
7 Corona Dc / 1990 Santa Rosa Santa Rosa's 2nd League Title
6 Indio Dc / 1990 San Nico Dínamo's 4th Title
5 Corona Sp / 1988 Santa Rosa Santa Rosa's 1st League Title
4 Indio Jl / 1988 San Nico Dínamo's 3rd Title
3 Indio Mr / 1988 San Nico Roger's BSc degree
2 Indio Fb / 1988 San Nico Dínamo's 2nd Title (Cup)
1 Indio Ja / 1988 San Nico Dínamo's 1st Title

Revised: Dec 2023