RZRM: Top selections
Top Selections
This corner is meant for people who enjoys literature.
If you are looking for
a good book to read, check here for a list of my recommended
readings. Since 1993, I yearly select a list of top three/five strongly
recommended readings (not necessarily published that year).
My best English translation is shown in parenthesis.
- 2025 Top Selections
- See the 2025 Selections link
- 2024 Top Five
- Fall of Giants by Ken Follet
- Sooley by John Grisham
- The Innocent by David Baldacci
- The Shadow Man by John Katzenbach
- The Lions' Den" by Iris Mwanza
- 2023 Top Five
- Red 1-2-3 by John Katzenbach
- The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
- The Judge's List by John Grisham
- A Book of Bones by John Connolly
- Camino Winds by John Grisham
- 2022 Top Five
- Redemption by David Baldacci
- Broken Glass by Alexander Hartung
- The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena
- The Guardians by John Grisham
- Fair Warning by Michael Connelly
- 2021 Top Five
- Machines Like Me by Ian McEwan
- The Fallen by David Baldacci
- The Hammer of Eden by Ken Follet
- Hart's War by John Katzenbach
- The Reckoning by John Grisham
- 2020 Top Five
- The Wrong Man by John Katzenbach
- Time of Torment by John Connolly
- The Last Mile by David Baldacci
- Vestido de novia by Pierre Lemaitre
- La desaparición de Stephanie Mailer by Joël Dicker
- 2019 Top Five
- The Paper Bag Christmas by Kevin A. Milne
- El hombre que perseguía su sombra by David Lagercrantz
- Code to Zero by Ken Follet
- Memory Man by David Baldacci
- Rogue Lawyer by John Grisham
- 2018 Top Five
- El libro de los Baltimore by Joël Dicker
- The Sycamore Row by John Grisham
- Irène by Pierre Lemaitre
- Papeles en el viento by Eduardo Sacheri
- Los herederos de la tierra by Ildefonso Falcones
- 2017 Top Five
- The Madman's Tale by John Katzenbach
- The Innocent Man by John Grisham
- The Bourning Soul by John Connolly
- It by Stephen King
- La mano de Fátima by Ildefonso Falconés
- 2016 Top Five
- The Testament by John Grisham
- La ira del fuego by Henning Mankell
- The Reapers by John Connolly
- Lo que no te mata te hace más fuerte by David Lagercrantz
- A Painted House by John Grisham
- 2015 Top Five
- The Unquiet by John Connolly
- The Pelican Brief by John Grisham
- Huesos en el jardín by Henning Mankell
- The Client by John Grisham
- La elegancia del erizo by Muriel Barbery
- 2014 Top Five
- Un mundo sin fin by Ken Follet
- The Partner by John Grisham
- El hombre inquieto by Henning Mankell
- The Street Lawyer by John Grisham
- Nocturnes by John Connolly
- 2013 Top Five
- A Time to Kill by John Grisham
- What Comes Next by John Katzenbach
- The White Road by John Connolly
- The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
- The Appeal by John Grisham
- 2012 Top Five
- La historiadora by Elizabeth Kostova
- El embrujo de Shanghai by Juan Marsé
- El imperturbable Hans by Helen Grant
- El retorno del profesor de baile by Henning Mankell
- El poder de las tinieblas by John Connolly
- 2011 Top Five
- La reina en el palacio de las corrientes de aire by Stieg Larsson
- La quinta mujer by Henning Mankell
- Los aires difíciles by Almudena Grandes
- La princesa de hielo by Camila Läckberg
- Pisando los talones by Henning Mankell
- 2010 Top Three
- La chica que soñaba con un cerillo y un galón
de gasolina by Stieg Larsson
- The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet
- Every Dead Thing by John Connolly
- 2009 Top Three
- Los hombres que no amaban a las mujeres by Stieg Larsson
- Ensayo sobre la ceguera by José Saramago
- Asesinos sin rostro by Henning Mankell
- 2008 Top Three
- La ladrona de libros by Markus Zusak
- The Road by Cormac McCarthy
- Memoria de mis putas tristes by Gabriel García Márquez
- 2007 Top Three
- Travesuras de la niña mala by Mario Vargas Llosa
- El tambor de hojalata by Günter Grass
- Mal de amores by Ángeles Mastreta
- 2006 Top Three
- La catedral del mar by Ildefonso Falcones
- La ciudad invisible by Emili Rosales
- Los misterios de París by Eugenio Sue
- 2005 Top Three
- El origen de la vida by Alexander Oparin
- Silicon Snake Oil by Clifford Stoll
- The Meaning of It All by Richard Feynman
- 2004 Top Three
- El Evangelio según Jesucristo by José Saramago
- La fiesta del Chivo by Mario Vargas Llosa
- High Tech Heretic by Clifford Stoll
- 2003 Top Three
- El cartero de Neruda by Antonio Skármeta
- Surely Your Are Joking, Mr. Feynman by Richard Feynman
- Che: Sueño rebelde
- 2002 Top Three
- Gone Awry: A Virtual Tour through High Tech Hell by James Ignizio
- What Do You Care What Other People Think? by Richard Feynman
- Cuentos de Futbol edited by Jorge Valdano
- 2001 Top Two
- Los miserables by Victor Hugo
- El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis by José Saramago
- 2000 Top Three
- Toda Mafalda by Quino
- Patas arriba: La escuela del mundo al revés by Eduardo Galeano
- The Karamazof Brothers by F. Dostoievsky
- 1999 Top Three
- 9 Steps to Financial Freedom by Suze Orman
- El futbol a sol y sombra by Eduardo Galeano
- The Hound of the Baskervilles by A. Conan Doyle
- 1998 Top Three
- Killing Hope by William Blum
- La ciudad y los perros
(The City and the Dogs) by Mario Vargas Llosa
- A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
- 1997 Top Three
- Gracias por el fuego
(Thanks for the Fire) by Mario Benedetti
- Como suicidarse sin maestro
(How to Commit Suicide Without a Teacher) by Rius
- A Study in Scarlet by A. Conan Doyle
- 1996 Top Three
- Noticia de un secuestro
(A Chronicle of a Kidnapping) by Gabriel García Márquez
- La casa de los espíritus
(The House of the Spirits) by Isabel Allende
- Crimen y castigo
(Crime and Punishment) by Fedor Dostoievski
- 1995 Top Three
- La guerra del fin del mundo
(The War at the Edge of the World) by Mario Vargas Llosa
- La rebelión de las cañadas
(The Rebellion of the Creeks) by Carlos Tello Díaz
- Los muros de agua
(The Water Walls) by José Revueltas
- 1994 Top Three
- La madre
(The Mother) by Maximo Gorki
- Fuerte es el silencio by Elena Poniatowska
- La metamorfosis
(The Metamorphosis) by Franz Kafka
- 1993 Top Three
- Cien años de soledad
(A Hundred Years of Solitude) by Gabriel García Márquez
- Canek by Ermilo Abreu Gómez
- Ten Days that Shocked the World by John Reed
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Roger Z. Ríos
Revised: Jan 2025